
How to Get Your Money’s Worth in Marketing

It’s time to face the facts: Marketing is expensive. It’s one of the largest expenditures a company will dish out. And, despite our collective industry obsession with metrics, marketers still struggle to prove ROI with their marketing budget plan. Almost two-thirds of today’s CMOs have trouble quantitatively proving the impact of their efforts. What’s more, nearly three out of four CEOs agree, saying marketers are constantly on the ask for more dollars, but rarely can explain how much incremental business the money will create.

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On the flip-side, though, CEOs are looking to their marketing departments now more than ever to help fuel growth. Marketing spend reports are including engagement rates, audience type, click-through rates and view, but can they tell the CEO (and CFO) what kind of boost in lead-gen those dollars are creating?

Unfortunately, according to Harvard Business Review, around half of paid media impressions fail to reach the targeted audience. This means that half of those dollars from your marketing budget plan are essentially wasted.

A Better Way to Segment & Target Your Audience

Thankfully, there are marketing solutions designed specifically to address how you segment, target and speak to your fragmenting audiences. Sigstr’s email signature marketing solution ensures that your audience is always hand-picked.

Your employees are the most knowledgable group when it comes to your target customer, and they’re emailing these individuals each and every day.

By using the employee email signature, marketers have the ability to not only create specific campaigns to promote conferences, resource downloads, or demo registrations, but can also segment users into designated groups. By harnessing employee knowledge and your marketing savvy, your team can send the right message to the right audience 100 percent of the time.

If your Client Services team, for example, emails regularly with existing clients, they might want to promote content that has higher engagement rates with clients:

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Your Business Development team, which targets prospective customers versus existing customers, can highlight upcoming webinars, conferences and other educational events that their audience – early stage or cold prospects – are more likely to interact with:

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With detailed analytics available through Sigstr dashboards, your team can track what’s working. You’re able to see which content is being clicked on and read. You can use this newfound knowledge to replicate those campaigns that are performing well and scale back on those that may not be as effective.

Because Sigstr leverages the power of employee email signatures and enhances the communications your teams are already sending out to their most valuable contacts, it becomes the perfect tool to reach a targeted audience (and get more out of your marketing budget plan). You can learn more about Sigstr’s email signature marketing solution by checking out our latest resource below, or request a demo.

Sigstr case study SalesLoft email signatures