
Top Sales Development Trends from The SDR Wars

The sales development representative (SDR) role is arguably the most important job in sales. And according to The Bridge Group’s Sales Development 2018 Metrics and Compensation Research Report, demand for SDR candidates continues to rise. There’s no denying that the importance and demand of this position is high, but so is the difficulty. SDRs are tasked with generating new opportunities for their sales team and representing the company’s brand as a whole. That’s a lot of pressure, and sometimes it can be a grind. That’s why SDR teams are always looking for tips, tricks, and common trends to better themselves.

To find the top trends from the modern-day sales development team, you have to go straight to the source. The SDR Wars presented that opportunity, bringing together a community of teams and leaders to compete in a bracket-style tournament for bragging rights as the best SDR team in the land (and a pretty sweet trophy). The competition was fierce, no doubt, but it also cultivated a network of like-minded SDR all-stars who have an appetite for constantly improving and a willingness to help others.

With this in mind, all competing SDR squads (and even a few thought leaders) were open to being interviewed after the tournament. Each individual interview included a series of questions about the team’s experience in the SDR Wars and how they see the sales development landscape today. The group then put together a plan to turn these interviews into a new go-to source for all SDR teams and leaders.

Introducing – “Top 10 Trends of the Modern-Day Sales Development Team”

This new ebook includes trends and sound bites from the best of the best SDR teams in B2B. 16 teams. 28 sales development leaders.

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The official list

Some takeaways are tactical, while others focus on the bigger picture. However, all of them offer nuggets of SDR gold that your team can start using tomorrow. The top ten include:

  1. Consistent personalization and being relevant
  2. The phone isn’t dead – calling still works!
  3. The importance of coaching, role playing, and team feedback
  4. The SDR’s tech stack
  5. Team motivation and knowing your why
  6. Common KPIs and going beyond the numbers
  7. Account-based marketing in the SDR world
  8. Personalization at scale
  9. Video takes personalized outreach to the next level
  10. Account Executive and SDR alignment

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Thank you to those who participated in The SDR Wars and provided insight for this report! It was amazing to hear from so many motivated sales development teams who are all doing phenomenal work. Download the full report here or check out the preview below to get a sneak peek!