Email Signatures

If the Founding Fathers Had Email Signatures

And so begins the season of sweaty backs sticking to lawn chairs, families grilling out, and the neighborhood kids firing off a few too many fireworks past bedtime. We are reminded of the historic figures that helped get us to where we are today and their iconic contributions. But what if these Founding Fathers had the power of email to spread the word? Our team took a stab at what those email signatures may have looked like.

John Hancock

John Hancock (not to be confused with Herbie Hancock) was the President of the Second Continental Congress and is well known for his absurdly large signature. When John wasn’t busy overshadowing his fellow signees, he was serving as an immensely popular Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Fun fact: John Hancock was actually the founder of the modern-day email signature.

Thomas Jefferson

Tommy Jeffs, often best remembered for the phrase “all men are created equal” proves that NOT all email signatures are created equal. As the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson had a monumental impact on the language used within the document and penned most of it himself. To date, many countries have looked to this document as a partial framework with which to form their own, so we thought his signature should reflect that.

Alexander Hamilton

When not being the star of Broadway, Alexander Hamilton (of “Hamilton” fame) is notorious for founding the U.S. financial system as the first Treasury Secretary. The “ten dollar founding father” who “got a lot farther by working harder” was instrumental to the founding of the United States before his untimely death at the hands of sitting Vice President Aaron Burr.

James Madison

Standing at 5’4” and approximately 100 pounds, Madison was the tiniest president in U.S. History to date. His impact on our nation, however, was no small feat. Madison was one of the only presidents to go into battle, was the last-living signer of the Constitution, and for a brief stint appeared on the $5,000 bill (petition to bring that back, by the way!). Finally, his contributions to The Federalist Papers ultimately helped lead to the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

George Washington

The big man himself, George Washington, needs no introduction. Well…not today anyway. But back in the days of the Revolutionary War George needed all the help he could get! As the supreme commander of the Continental Army, Washington would’ve loved to have had a way to bring more fresh troops to the cause. He may have lost more battles than he won, but he’ll always be a winner in our eyes (much like his email signature).

Ben Franklin

Big Ben (no, not the clock) had more knowledge crammed into his head than you could shake a stick at. He was a polymath excelling in many areas and studies, and perhaps the most well-known experiment was Franklin’s foray into electricity. Believing that lightning in storms was electricity, Benjamin took to the skies with a kite, a key, and a dream. After sailing the skies and confirming his series, we thought it only natural that he would want to share his newest area of expertise.

Dan Hanrahan

Last but certainly not least, our very own Founding Father: Dan Hanrahan! Without his vision, drive, and passion, Sigstr wouldn’t be here today. He may not have crossed the Delaware River, but we’ve seen him traverse the rush hour traffic on Delaware Street and that is impressive enough in it’s own right.